Results Notification

Look for your EAP results in the mail by late summer. The results will be included in your STAR Student Report. If you do not receive a copy of your STAR report, please see your counselor in September.

You can also check your status online. Check your results >

Going to CSU?

To understand your results if you're going to CSU, please click here >

Help! I didn't pass!

If your EAP status indicates that you are not yet ready for college level English or math courses, you must take the college entrance exams once you have been accepted for admission.

To learn more, visit:
CSU Math Success
CSU English Success


Learn More

For more information on how you can help your son or daughter get college-ready, please visit:

CSU English Success for Parents
CSU Math Success for Parents

Get Prepared

As you prepare to enter college, consider what you might do to improve your math and English skills to ensure you are ready for college coursework. Listed below are pieces of advice to help you get started on the right path.

Improving English Skills

Take the appropriate English course.  Look for a reading and expository writing course with the following characteristics:

  • Focus on improving reading strategies
  • Focus on how a writer puts together an explanation or an argument
  • Focus on persuasive writing

Read often to develop good reading habits.

  • Work on developing good reading habits by reading newspapers, periodicals, non-fiction, fiction, websites, etc.
  • Reading, writing, and reasoning are linked skills. If you read for pleasure and comprehend well, most likely you’ll be a good writer.

Think critically. Successful college students know how to read, write, and think critically.

  • Take some time and assess your strengths and weaknesses in these important areas.
  • Ask your high school teachers who know your work for guidance.

Be patient. Continuous improvement takes time.

  • Becoming a good writer takes time--certainly more than one or two courses.
  • Continuously improving your writing skills is one of the best things you can do to be successful in college and in your career.

Improving Math Skills

Take the appropriate math course. For CSU, follow the guidelines below:

  •  Math (4 years recommended) including Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, or higher mathematics (take one each year)

Prepare by practicing.

  • CSU offers exam preparation for their entrance exam (ELM) which includes online tutorials and free practice problems. Visit CSU Math Success to learn more.  Get started >
  • Ask your high school teachers who know your work for guidance.

Take a math course your senior year.

  • For students who did not pass the EAP, taking a math course your senior year may increase your chances of passing college placement tests.

Be patient. Continuous improvement takes time.

  • Continuously improving your math skills is one of the best things you can do to be successful in college and in your career.
California State UniversityCalifornia Community Colleges Chancellor's OfficeFoundation for California Community CollegesWilliam and Flora Hewlett Foundation