Results Notification

Look for your EAP results in the mail by late summer. The results will be included in your STAR Student Report. If you do not receive a copy of your STAR report, please see your counselor in September.

You can also check your status online. Check your results >

Going to CSU?

To understand your results if you're going to CSU, please click here >

Help! I didn't pass!

If your EAP status indicates that you are not yet ready for college level English or math courses, you must take the college entrance exams once you have been accepted for admission.

To learn more, visit:
CSU Math Success
CSU English Success


Learn More

For more information on how you can help your son or daughter get college-ready, please visit:

CSU English Success for Parents
CSU Math Success for Parents


The Early Assessment Program (EAP) provides students with an early indication of whether or not they are ready for college English or math.  The EAP measures student English and math skills at the end of the junior year to let students know in advance if they are ready for college level work.

Students who elect to take the EAP math and English tests receive an EAP status at the beginning of their senior year informing them whether or not they are ready to enroll in for-credit English and math courses.

Students who are not yet demonstrating college-readiness can take advantage of their senior year to prepare for college.

Students who take the EAP may be able to: 

  • Skip the otherwise required college English and/or mathematics placement tests.
  • Identify the need for additional preparation in English and math and adjust senior-year coursework to prepare for college while still enrolled in high school.
  • Save time and money by avoiding college remediation courses that do not count toward a degree.

Help your students prepare

Listed below are a variety of tools that are available to help your students improve college readiness.



  • Mathematics Diagnostic Testing Project - Information about accessing a variety of diagnostic math tests to help students learn more about their strengths and weaknesses in math
  • CSU Focus on Mathematics - Information about CSU's placement exam, the ELM exam, including a list of frequently asked questions and sample test items
  • ELM Exam Prep Tools - Online resources to help students prepare for CSU's ELM exam.
  • Roadmap - An advising feature on this site which provides students with personalized information on how to best prepare their math skills for college.
  • Video Testimonials - Videos of college freshmen in remedial math courses to motivate students to take the CSU's ELM requirement seriously.
  • Free Online Math Lessons - MERLOT (Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching) offers a collection of free lesson plans and learning objects for use with your students in arithmetic, geometry, and pre-algebra, and a full range of statistics and probability topics
  • ALEKS Online Math Tutorial – Video of a teacher and his student talking about the value they got from the online ELM Tutorial program.

Please note that Adobe Reader is needed to view many of the files above.  Download a free version of Adobe Reader.



California State UniversityCalifornia Community Colleges Chancellor's OfficeFoundation for California Community CollegesWilliam and Flora Hewlett Foundation